AR Big Web: Chartreuse
Manufakturgatan 7
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About the artwork

What happens when location, site-specificity and size are no longer restricted to the normal parameters for a physical artwork? The same web as in "Big Web: California Dream", the web is presented again in augmented reality. Even if the image is bound to the screen of a phone or table, the experience offers a viewer a different kind of interactivity and engagement.

About Eric Saline

Eric Saline received his MFA in 2-D Art, with a concentration in Graphics, Letterpress and Papermaking, from Massachusetts College of Art in 2005 and his BA from Colorado College in 2000. Eric was born in Cincinnati, OH in 1978 and has lived throughout the United States, France, Morocco and currently works in Gothenburg, Sweden as an art and design educator at Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet, KKV GBG and as Project Manager at Grafik i Väst Gallery. He works in a variety of formats, including books, print collages and even site-specific installations, with paper as the main actor, but uses more and more wood and fabric.

In recent years, Eric's artistic practice has been divided between international artistic project work, pedagogical work and his own professional activities. This includes practical application of Computer-Aided-Manufacturing (CAD / CAM) in graphics, as well as traditional graphics approaches. At the conceptual level, his artwork refers to studies of structures, such as cobwebs, repetitive patterns and architectural environments. These forms allow him to explore process, material, and to study the surface tempo that is similar to his own visual and metaphysical perceptions of the world around him. The process is to build an image with several layers using a wide range of materials and techniques on paper, wood, textiles and so on. From a wide range of input methods, from drawings and photographs to computer software, he has developed a workflow for translating these sources into a laser-cut or CNC-milled matrix that can be inked and printed on traditional printing presses.